Things You Must Try on Your Weed Trip The Golden State (California)

On my first ever trip to The Golden State, I was more concerned about one question than anything else. And the question was, “Is Cannabis Legal in California?”. California is an amazing state, there’s just too much to see and visit. Also, it’s the best place to try marijuana for the first time.

California is a place that started the revolution to legalize marijuana. It legalized medical marijuana in 1996, and then recreational marijuana in 2016. It is no less than a heaven for weed lovers. You can do a lot of things while smoking your favorite herb. So, on your trip to California, try these weed friendly activities to enhance the fun of your vacation.

420 Airport Pickup Service

Yes, a 420 airport pickup service! Can anything be better than this? You can find a good number of 420 luxurious SUV services that will pick you up right after you land at the airport. After picking you up from the airport, the SUV will take you straight to one of the top dispensaries in that area. So, you can buy your marijuana easily from there. Also, you will get a discount at the dispensary. 

The SUV will also have a vaporizer for you, so you don’t have to wait to reach the dispensary. Once you have purchased your marijuana, the vehicle will take you to a cannabis-friendly hotel. There you can enjoy your cannabis.

Enjoy a Bay Area Wine and Weed Tour

Plan your trip that includes a Saturday to enjoy the Bay Area Wine and Weed Tour. It is a marijuana-friendly tour that starts from Oakland Cannabis Creative. This tour goes on for 4 and a half hours. This is a perfect tour if you are enjoying weed for the first time.

Yoga And Cannabis

Ganja Yoga

A very well known activity in the state, Ganja Yoga is something you should definitely try. Especially in the Bay area. You get a lot of options to decide where and when you can meet up. Marijuana-infused yoga is available anywhere it is allowed to grow marijuana across the state. 

But Ganja Yoga has now become famous which was started by Dee Dussault, an instructor, writer, and activist. This was started by her when only medical marijuana was legal in the state. She started gaining fame since then only.

Higher Self Yoga

It is what you think it is, just like its name. You can get the benefits of yoga while getting high. Your body feels more relaxed after a session of Higher Self Yoga.

420 Friendly Cannabis Classes

Got time on your vacation? Attend any 420 friendly classes according to your preference.

Puff, Pass, and Pastry

Visit Oakland on a Sunday, and you can attend this cooking class from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. And you can get assured, you are in for a treat, literally. You will learn a lot about cooking with marijuana in this class. You can hit a bong or roll a joint, all while learning to cook cannabis-infused food.

Puff, Pass, and Paint

Another class that includes smoking weed. Art and marijuana are known to have a connection for centuries. Many of the great artists were known to smoking pots. And now you can follow their steps too. Smoke and paint! This 2-hour long class will let you open your mind on the canvas sheet. So, smoke up and let the creativity flow through your paintbrush.

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